2018 ASHRAE Design Competition: HVAC design calculations
Wang, Angela (author) Chao, Joe (author) Ghadiri, Mohammad (author) Almasyabi, Sajad (author) Cheung, Joseph (thesis advisor) Poon, Joseph (thesis advisor) Li, Bo (thesis advisor) British Columbia Institute of Technology Mechanical Engineering (Degree granting institution)
Research paper/project
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British Columbia Institute of Technology
35 pages
This report is prepared by mechanical engineering students from British Columbia Institution of Technology for 2018 ASHRAE Student Design Competition. The goal of this project is to design heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system for a 70,000 ft2, four story mixed use building in north of Istanbul, Turkey. The building contains retail spaces, a restaurant, office spaces, as well as hotel area. The design of the system is based on owner’s project requirement (OPR), complied with latest ASHRAE Standards 55, 62.1, 90.1, 189.1, and ASHRAE Handbooks with consideration of Turkey Building Codes. The HVAC design includes zoning, ventilation rate and load calculations, system selection, energy analysis and life cycle cost analysis over 50 year’s life of the facility.
MECH 8290
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering