ELEX 7660 - Digital System Design | BCIT Institutional Repository

ELEX 7660 - Digital System Design


Audio visualizer
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Automated fishing hook
This project was initiated as a means of increasing the efficiency of downrigger fishing devices. The efficiency of these devices is directly related to their ability to maintain a set distance off of the bottom of the ocean floor. We made a proof of concept model that could achieve a fixed distance above a floating reference point.
Automatic garage door opener
This report discusses the digital design of an automatic garage door system using RF technology. The report will also explain both the hardware and software design processes used to implement the model.
CoinSaver 3000
The CoinSaver 3000 counts the number of coins inputted into the shoots and displays the total value on a quad 7 segment LED display as shown in Figure 1, the maximum amount the LED can display is $99.99. The CoinSaver can also dispense the coins one at a time using servo motors attached to the bottom of the shoot. The servo motors are controlled by a 4x4 matrix keypad. When a designated key on the keypad is pressed, the corresponding servo will rotate 180 degrees pushing a single coin through a slit on the bottom of the shoot.
Composite video encoder with SPI interface
This project is a video card that takes a 9-bit parallel interface to transfer video data, and outputs the analog signal required for composite video. The purpose of this device is to provide an easy to use, and efficient method to display an image or video on a CRT television. There is little practicality in this project since it is based on such an old technology, it was chosen more for a challenging goal that suited the premise for using FPGA’s: software is not fast enough.
Digital music player
For our Digital System Design course at BCIT we decided to build a digital music player. The system reads digital audio off of an SD card and interfaces to a digital-to-analog converter. While this certainly has been done before (every cell phone sold today is capable of this!) we wanted to design the digital hardware from scratch and learn about SD cards and digital audio.
Digital synthesizer
A synthesizer is an electronic musical instrument that generates electric signals that is converted into sound using amplifiers. The process is normally done in the analog domain using methods such as Subtractive synthesis and Additive synthesis. In additive synthesis, different frequency waves are combined and then moulded through an ADSR (Attack – Decay – Sustain - Release) envelope. This report describes how we modelled this operation in the digital domain using a combination of Direct Digital and Table Look-Up synthesis. The Altera Cyclone IV FPGA was programmed using System Verilog to perform the necessary functions. We decided to embark on this project because of our shared interest in electronic music and the instruments used to create it.
Door security lock
In this project, the objective is to design, build and test door lock, as security system has become a very important technology in our lives and worldwide. It is always necessary for people to put their personal important stuff/information in a place/system with high and reliable security. For high assurance, systems will logically have security requirement, availability, reliability and robustness requirements, so this kind of proper security controls is used to prevent computer hacker attacks or stealing. A 12V DC solenoid acts as the lock and performs its operation based on the signal received from FPGA, which is an integrated circuit with high speed interfaces and serial communication protocals. The lock comes with a fixed password and could be locked immediately or a certain amount of time after unlocked. Also, when it is left open for a specified amount of time, the alarm will sound to remind people of closing it after leaving. The alarm will go off itself as soon as the door is closed.
FPGA audio effects generator
The FPGA Audio Effects Generator is a project that attempts to utilize the Terasic DE1-SoC development board and System Verilog to generate sound effects hardware. Audio is passed through the system via an auxiliary in/out interface, which joins an audio source and a sink. (In our case, speakers).
Friendo Finder
For the ELEX 7660 final project we designed and built the Friendo Finder, which detects objects within a range of 20-70 cm. It uses a stepper motor with an infrared sensor mounted on top to sweep in a 180 degree arc to detect objects. If an object is detected, the distance it was detected and the angle it was detected at is displayed on a 16x2 LCD screen.
Game controller using an FPGA
Using the DE0-Nano development board by Altera [5], we created a game controller that is capable of interfacing with a computer. A simple 16-button keypad was used to demonstrate the use of the common W,A,S,D game keys. Our interface proved successful in use, and is able to be implemented with a variety of other hardware modules such as touch-screens, joysticks, or other serial interfaces.
Guitar synthesizer
This project is a guitar synthesizer which allows you to press a button on a keypad and outputs sound. The notes correspond to the first four frets of a standard 4 string bass guitar. It is based off of a similar keyboard synthesizer referenced below.
Home security system
The project that will be described in this report is a Home Security System that was designed, built, and tested using an Altera DE0-Nano FPGA board, along with several hardware components including optical sensors and magnetic sensors, as well as components that were used in previous labs, which include the 16-digit keypad, speaker, and OLED display. Code that was written in the previous labs to implement these components are used in this project as well.
Infrared communication
The purpose of this project was to utilize infrared communication, specifically text messaging using infrared. The goal was to use the FPGA as the base to create a line of sight communication, where the FPGA takes an input from the keypad and transmit the signal through the LED, and have the signal be received through the Semiconductor photodiode connected to the FPGA, where the signal received is demodulated and displayed on the 7-segment display. The communication protocol used was the NEC protocol.
Interactive graphic equalizer
This project attempts to use a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) as a digital graphic equalizer. It analyzes an input audio signal and displays the frequency spectrum levels in real-time. Users would be able to attenuate the levels (represented on the vertical axis of the display) of individual frequencies (laid-out horizontally) without traditional knobs or sliders, but instead by hovering their finger at the desired height on the display for any of the frequencies displayed.
Nintendo Entertainment System on chip
The Nintendo Entertainment System On chip was an attempt to build a working nes emulator using SystemVerilog on a DE0-NANO terasic development board. The project proved to be a colossal undertaking with a large number of missteps along the way. The end result was a working Picture processing unit capable of rendering graphics from genuine NES memory, and capable of rendering any screen that could be generated from a simple NROM-style nes game such as donkey kong. Additionally we also had a VGA video sync generator that was capable of generating digital video at a resolution of 640x480. Although the entire NES system was not able to be integrated in time, the end result was still quite impressive and leaves roads open for further development.
