Fish, Wildlife and Recreation Photographs | BCIT Institutional Repository

Fish, Wildlife and Recreation Photographs


FWR students learning about search and rescue techniques
Image is taken from a Search and Rescue Session a field trip at Ridge Meadows.
FWR students learning about wintering eagles along the Squamish River
Image is taken from a FWR Squamish Eagle float & count - Brackendale BC.
FWR students learning about wintering eagles along the Squamish River
Image is taken from a FWR Squamish Eagle float & count - Brackendale BC.
FWR students learning canoeing skills on Burnaby Lake
Image is taken from a FWR field trip to Still Creek / Burnaby Lake to learn canoeing skills.
FWR students learning fish culture techniques at Chehalis Hatchery (alevin emerging from artificial redds)
Image is taken from a FWR field trip to Weaver Creek / Chehalis Hatchery.
FWR students learning fish culture techniques at Chehalis Hatchery (fish troughs)
Image is taken from a FWR field trip to Weaver Creek / Chehalis Hatchery.
FWR students learning fish culture techniques at Chehalis Hatchery (juvenile salmonid display tank)
Image is taken from a FWR field trip to Weaver Creek / Chehalis Hatchery.
FWR students learning lake limnology study techniques
Image is taken from a FWR field lab in Winter Limnology - Logan Lake BC.
FWR students learning radio telemetry skills from park researcher
Image is taken from a FWR feild trip to Yellowstone National Park Field Trip - Wyoming USA.
FWR students learning to "dye & tag" fish
Image shows FWR students at a Coursier Lake field trip in Revelstoke BC.
FWR students learning to "dye and tag" fish
Image shows FWR students at a Coursier Lake field trip in Revelstoke BC.
FWR students learning to set gill nets under the ice
Image is taken from a FWR field lab in Winter Limnology - Logan Lake BC.
FWR students looking over search and rescue equipment
Image is taken from a Search and Rescue Session a field trip at Ridge Meadows.
FWR students looking over search and rescue equipment
Image is taken from a Search and Rescue Session a field trip at Ridge Meadows.
FWR students measuring and tagging a Coho salmon
Image is taken from a FWR Coho tagging field lab on the Seymour River.
FWR students measuring and tagging Coho salmon
Image is taken from a FWR Coho tagging field lab on the Seymour River.
