Environmental Public Health Journal 2021 | BCIT Institutional Repository

Environmental Public Health Journal 2021


Kombucha: determining the likelihood of secondary fermentation and increased ethanol content via stated sugar content on product labels
Kombucha products are now a common, and popular beverage. Increasingly, Kombucha beverages are outpacing popularity of other carbonated beverages on the market, such as soda pop. This increase is seen by many as a positive change of consumer interests, as Kombucha has much less sugar content than many soda pop alternatives. However, Kombucha products are fermented beverages, and therefore are apt to contain ethanol, which may be a hazard for certain at risk populations. This study aims to investigate how information provided on product labels may or may not allow for increased consumer control by making an educated guess about potential ethanol content., kombucha, product labels, secondary fermentation, functional beverage, temperature abuse
Lead in drinking water
Background: Lead is a systemic toxin that affects multiple organs and impairs physical and mental development. Although lead is ubiquitous in the environment, majority of exposures to lead is through drinking water. Lead-based plumbing components are the primary reason. Flushing is a lead reduction technique commonly used to reduce lead in drinking water, but the efficacy of the technique has been questioned. The purpose of this research project was to determine if there were significant levels of lead found in the drinking water of 12 buildings (sites) owned and operated by a Health Authority before and after 30-second flush and to determine if flushing is an effective measure to reduce lead concentrations. Materials and Methods: Lead in drinking water data was provided by Dr. Tom Kosatsky in an Excel spreadsheet. The data contained 184 pre-flush (≥ 8-hour stagnation period) samples paired to 184 post-flush (30-second duration) samples collected at locations within the 12 different sites. The sites were labelled A to L due to confidentiality. This data was then exported to NCSS, and statistical analysis in the forms of a two tailed t-test, one tailed one sample t-test, and repeated measures ANOVA was performed to determine if a statistically significant relationship between flushing and reduced lead concentrations exists. Results: Out of 368 samples, 28% of stagnation samples contained lead concentrations greater than the MAC (n = 103) whereas, 9% of post 30-second flush samples contained lead concentration greater than the MAC (n = 33). Lead concentrations in the drinking water samples after flushing were significantly reduced below the MAC (p = 0.00000). However, lead concentrations from samples collected at sites A, C, and G were equal to or greater than the MAC. Statistical analysis failed to reject the null hypothesis that post-flush lead concentrations for samples collected at sites A, C, and G is greater to or equal to the MAC (A: p = 0.22708, C: p = 0.06866, and G: p = 0.70589). Conclusion: Flushing is an effective measure in reducing lead concentrations at the tap to safe levels. However, the effectiveness of flushing and flushing duration is dependent on numerous factors such as the stagnation period, amount of lead-based plumbing supplying the drinking water and building size. Longer stagnation periods, increased lead-based plumbing, and large buildings all require longer flushing times to reduce lead concentrations to below 0.005 mg/L. The results of this can study can aid governments in developing polices that will eliminate existing lead infrastructure in British Columbia and Canada. Flushing is not a long-term solution in reducing lead concentrations at the tap to below 0.005 mg/L., Lead, Drinking water, Lead in drinking water, Health effects, Flushing, Effectiveness
Practice and attitude of pet owners feeding raw based pet diets compared to non-raw based diets
New trends in raw based diets are putting people at a higher risk for becoming ill from pathogens. An outbreak investigation of pig ears containing Salmonella found over 50% of the tested pig ears were positive for the bacteria and 38% of pet treats contained Salmonella. At the time of the outbreak, pet owners became ill with Salmonella which was believed to be from handling the pig ears or from their ill pets that were carrying the bacteria. An outbreak in Italy involving kibble demonstrates there is a risk when feeding raw and non-raw diets., Pet food, raw meat-based diet, non-raw meat-based diet, survey, hygiene
A statistical comparison of restaurant infractions between Toronto and Vancouver
Across Canada, restaurant inspections are conducted to ensure that the food served to the public in almost all public eating facilities, is safe to consume and sell. The ratings and infractions correspond with the standards a restaurant is operating in compliance with legislation. There have been indications in the past of restaurants in different regions or serving specific types of food, receiving lower ratings than others. Currently, there is a lack of knowledge and research on the difference between major cities in Canada, regarding restaurant infractions. By focussing on Vancouver and Toronto restaurants, this research may provide insight into the different legislation of the two regions, highlight different Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) practices and ultimately provide information for knowledge translation into policies that these regions follow., inspections, infractions, food safety, restaurants, critical, non-critical, minor, crucial, sit-down, reports, comparison, Vancouver, Toronto, DineSafe, Vancouver Coastal Health, public health, Environmental Health Officer
Studying the accessibility and use of digital literacy among older adults during a global pandemic
The COVID-19 global pandemic has demanded many individuals remain indoors and isolate from friends and family to keep safe. These long periods of isolation have led to loneliness and an overall shift in the way individuals communicate with each other. Digital media sources have become predominant forms of interaction and entertainment – but how are different age groups, specifically older adults managing this major digital media shift?, older adult(s), digital literacy, COVID-19, pandemic, comfort, internet
A survey study of public awareness on hand sanitizer recalls in Canada
The Covid-19 pandemic has created a high demand for hand sanitizer to prevent the spread of pathogens. This resulted in a hand sanitizer shortage on the market and promoted more manufactures to produce and sell hand sanitizers. Meanwhile, Health Canada has recalled many hand sanitizers due to potential health risks for various reasons such as products that contain unauthorized ingredients. However, the general public in Canada might not notice hand sanitizer recalls and/or underestimate the risk of using recalled hand sanitizers. This research study was conducted to determine the general public awareness regarding hand sanitizer recalls., hand sanitizer, product recalls, Health Canada, consumer awareness, public health, COVID-19
