Design and manufacture of an engineered surf foil
Backus, Todd (author) Bryla, Jackson (author) Taylor, Anthony (author) Fourie, Johan (thesis advisor) King, Greg (thesis advisor) British Columbia Institute of Technology Mechanical Engineering (Degree granting institution)
Research paper/project © Todd Backus, Jackson Bryla, Anthony Taylor, 2019. All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright heron may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphics, electronic, or mechanical including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the author.
British Columbia Institute of Technology
91 pages
The surf foil system detailed herein was designed at the request of Poseidon Adventures Ltd. Included in this publication are links to the part models and STL files for all of the components that were designed for the surf foil system. The component parts that were designed for prototyping are both wings, the mast, and the fuselage of the surf foil. The front wing has a span of 32", the rear wing has a span of 16" and they are roughly 1" thick. The fuselage is 30" long and is made from 1" dia. aluminum rod. The manufacture of the fuselage and both wings were completed. A mast was purchased for the assembly of the product for final presentation due to time restrictions. The design of the mast is complete, its manufacture is ongoing at the date of this report's publication. The overall weight of the surf foil system including the purchased mast, mast pedestal, and board mount is 8 lbs. An emphasis was placed on using standard dimensions whenever possible so that commercially available parts could be used as a replacement for an individual component in the event of a catastrophic failure. Reproduction of the surf foil is possible but be mindful of careless operation of this device. This sport is dangerous, so use it at your own peril. Head protection and life vests are always recommended, as well as protection of the eyes.
MECH 8290
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering