The Additional sex combs gene of Drosophila encodes a chromatin protein that binds to shared and unique Polycomb group sites on polytene chromosomes | BCIT Institutional Repository

The Additional sex combs gene of Drosophila encodes a chromatin protein that binds to shared and unique Polycomb group sites on polytene chromosomes

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Shellard, J., Sinclair, D. , A. R., Milne, T. , A., Hodgson, J. , W., Salinas, C. , A., Kyba, M., … Brock, H. , W. (1998). The Additional sex combs gene of Drosophila encodes a chromatin protein that binds to shared and unique Polycomb group sites on polytene chromosomes. Development, 125(7), 1207-1216. Retrieved from