Multi source heat pump for geoexchange systems (GXS)
Rendina, Aaron (author) Robinson, Emily (author) Jacobsohn, Eric (author) Cheung, Joseph (thesis advisor) Askari, Vahid (thesis advisor) Fourie, Johan (thesis advisor) British Columbia Institute of Technology Mechanical Engineering (Degree granting institution)
Research paper/project © Aaron Rendina, Emily Robinson, Eric Jacobsohn, 2018. All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright heron may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphics, electronic, or mechanical including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the author.
British Columbia Institute of Technology
127 pages
With the use and effectiveness of conventional heat pumps decreasing drastically in colder climate regions, geo-exchange systems have become the solution to allow heat pumps to still be operable in these colder regions. However, with the high costs of installation required for deep-well heat exchangers and horizontal-trench heat exchangers, and the high cost of land in high-density urban/suburban areas, their adoption is still small. For this reason, this project aims to increase the energy density of geo-exchange systems so that high installation costs are not required, and large land requirements become non-existent.
MECH 8290
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering