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Open but not free: invisible labour in open scholarship
Open Access Week panel discussion from Open but not Free: Invisible Labour in Open Scholarship, 2018-10-24. In recent years, the open scholarship movement has gained momentum by aiming to fundamentally transform how knowledge is created and shared. Making open access, open data, and open education the default in higher education promises to remove barriers to learning and make knowledge as broadly accessible as possible. In practice, though, the rise of open scholarship has resulted in new challenges for practitioners and stakeholders working within a system in transition. To what extent do the adoption of open practices and policies in higher education currently rely on invisible labour? And what may be the impact on the sustainability of the movement? Who is able to participate? Who may be excluded? How can open practitioners and stakeholders work together to ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion are prioritized in the design of new and sustainable systems for scholarly research and teaching?
Teamwork - Part 1
Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing.
Teamwork - Part 2
Moving your team from the forming stage to the performing stage quickly. Key points: (1) be action oriented, (2) be a good team member, and (3) run meetings effectively.